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Space Availability - Boole Library

There are 13 Group Study Rooms and the Study Pod in Boole Library for use by registered UCC students only. They are for group study purposes only. e.g. project work and presentation practice. The rooms may not be used for tutorials or grinds.

1. Choose a date by clicking on the calendar icon above the grid. 

2. Check for available green slots and click on one to book it. 

3. You can pick up to 2 slots (slot = 1 or 2 hours) and submit your booking times.

The maximum booking duration is 2 hours per group per day,  3 people minimum per room, 6 people maximum per room (except G.05 max. 8, 2.09 max. 10 and the Study Pod max. 2).

4. Fill in the required information on the form.  The person who books must be part of the group.

5. Keep the confirmation email you receive, as this is proof of booking and provides a cancellation link, if needed. 

6. If you notice any issue in the room or any equipment not working, please email so that staff can resolve the issue.

NOTE: Library Staff can cancel the booking if there has been a breach of the booking Terms & Conditions.


   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable