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FAIR Data Forum - From Folk Tales to FAIR: Navigating Practice-Based Research in Digital Repositories

FAIR Data Forum - From Folk Tales to FAIR: Navigating Practice-Based Research in Digital Repositories Online

Please note this is an online event which will take place on Teams. The  Teams liink will be sent out in the calendar entry when you register and in a reminder email before the event. 

The FAIR Data Forum aims to provide a space in UCC  to share FAIR implementation stories, for peer learning and engaging with different perspectives, and to allow for feedback on the current and emerging needs of sustainable engagement with FAIR data sharing. 

Aligning  practice based research with the FAIR principles is challenging the outputs are often non-traditional and include experiential knowledge, require context for interpretation and involve complex copyright issues. This means that the standard approach to FAIR can dilute or distort the meaning, and be resource intensive. But despite challenge there are those exploring what is possible.  During this talk we will hear about Roksana's of experience in creating the Collection: “Animal-Woman Journey(s)”, which intermingle videos, audio-visual installations and performance, on the Digital Repository of Ireland platform.

Roksana Niewadzisz is a polylingual artist and a researcher with an academic background in Theatre, Translations and Art History. She just finished her multidisciplinary practice-based PhD project on “Animal-Woman Journey(s). Posthuman embodiment of zoomorphic folk tales” across the Department of Theatre and the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies at the University College Cork for which she was awarded the 2021 Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship.

For the last four years Roksana has developed a variety of intermedial multilinguistic performative and audio-visual projects in which she is retelling Animal-Woman transformation folk tales in contemporary context through poetic images, performances, short films, video-art and site specific installations which were presented during international conferences, symposiums and events.

Digital Repository of Ireland Collection - Animal-Women Journey(s) 



Related LibGuide: Research Data Service by Aoife Coffey

Friday, March 21, 2025
13:00 - 14:00
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
UCC Library:
Boole Library
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Library Staff     Postgraduates     UCC Staff  

Registration is required. There are 29 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Aoife Coffey
Aoife Coffey

Research Services
Q+2 Boole Library,
University College Cork