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Introductory searching techniques for systematic and literature reviews Online

Target Audience: Anyone starting a systematic search for the first time

Pre-requisite: We strongly recommend completing the Library Canvas module “Literature Review - Introduction to Searching the Literature” in advance.

This class will provide an overview of essential searching techniques for conducting a systematic search which is used to find studies for a literature review or systematic review.  Participants will learn how to develop a search strategy and effectively use various search tools to identify relevant studies. Practical exercises and demonstration are included to enhance understanding and application of these techniques.

We will cover how you can use different library resources to scope your research topic to establish its key concepts, and thus generate and identify relevant search terms. We will also look at the use of Controlled Vocabulary in conjunction with key words and phrases in building systematic search strategies. This will be followed by a demonstration of a sample systematic search in a scholarly database, and of how such searches can be recorded.

By the end of the session you should be able to

  • Identify the key databases for your systematic search
  • Use the library resources to scope your topic
  • Develop a systematic search strategy
  • Apply a search strategy to a relevant database e.g. CINAHL
  • Record and document a search strategy

Related LibGuide: Systematic Reviews by Donna Ó Doibhlin

Wednesday, May 14, 2025
11:00 - 12:30
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Postgraduates     UCC Staff     UCC Undergraduates  

Registration is required. There are 69 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Benjamin Williamson
Benjamin Williamson

Learning and Teaching Librarian
Boole Library
University College Cork
T12 ND89

Siobhan Bowman
Profile photo of Breeda Herlihy
Breeda Herlihy

Quality & Planning Coordinator

UCC Library