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Introduction to R Programming Language

Introduction to R Programming Language In-Person

Reproducible research benefits everyone one, but above all it benefits you. It allows you to recreate the work that you did yesterday, last month, last year through reproducible analytical workflows. It gives you certainty that the findings you report are based on solid, traceable foundations. This session aims to provide an introduction to the R programming language through the ‘tidyverse’ coding style and RStudio GUI from the perspective of reproducible research. Topics covered will centre on the core concepts of data collection, documentation, visualisation and include hands-on examples. No previous coding experience is required.

This session is faciltated by Dr Brendan Palmer, Clinical Research Facility, UCC

Related LibGuide: Research Data Service by Aoife Coffey

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
12:00 - 14:00
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Research Skills Teaching Room
  Library Staff     Postgraduates     UCC Staff  
Registration has closed.

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Profile photo of Aoife Coffey
Aoife Coffey

Research Services
Q+2 Boole Library,
University College Cork